I found myself inundated with projects. The war had spread to multiple fronts. It was tough keeping all tasks in my mind. I needed an operational map. Something akin to the big tabletop map generals might use to visualize their battlefronts.
First, I needed to list my front lines. The Western Front was medguard. My Southern, a research project. Eastern was surgical training… and so on.
My overall strategy to win the war was to push forward on at least one front (ideally more) every single day.
So you end up with a list of battlefronts with a brief sitrep underneath. Every day you curate it, so every day the war is fresh in your mind.
I've been using this system for a couple of weeks now and it's really working. It helps me keep on top of all the different projects I'm working on, as well as incorporate non-project fronts (like family).