Anticoagulation for Surgery

1. Describe the anticoagulation cascades. What are the most critical points?   anticoagulation


Critical parts:

  • Haemophilias affect intrinsic pathway, 8=A, 9=B, 11=C.
  • Vit K important for intrinsic and extrinsic pathways, hitting 2 (thrombin), 7, 9, 10 (plus Protein S and C)
  • Damage to epithelium stimulated tissue factor (III)
  • Ionised Calcium critical for coagulation
  • Thromin is factor II, and when activated Fibrin, which works with stabilising factor to create a fibrin clot.

2. What factors are in prothrombinex? Is this enough to reverse warfarin?   anticoagulation

It is a prothrombin complex, which contains factors II, IX, and X. Because - 9 activated 10 which activates 2!


3. What is von willebrand disease?   anticoagulation

von Willebrand factor (VWF) is a large multimeric glycoprotein that mediates the attachment of platelets to damaged endothelium and also serves as the carrier protein for coagulation factor VIII (FVIII), protecting it from proteolytic degradation. The disease is the deficiency of this factor.

4. Associated Notes

Author: Jahan PD

Created: 2024-06-10 Mon 16:54
